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목록코테디비문법 (1)
쑤쑤_CS 기록장
SQL 문 정리하기 - SELECT문, DB 코테 준비
* SQL 분류 1. DDL - CREATE, ALTER, DROP 2. DML - SELECT, INSERT, DELETE 3. DCL - GRANT, REVOKE * 데이터 조작어, 검색 select (distinct) from where group by having order by (desc / asc) * 처리 순서 1. from 2. on 3. join 4. where 5. group by 6. with rollup. with cube 7. having 8. select 9. distinct 10. oreder by 11. top * where 조건 비교 =, between 10 and 20 집합IN _ in (1, 2, 3) 패턴 _ like '축구의역사' NULL, IS NULL AND, O..
IT 지식 기록/MSSQL
2021. 4. 12. 09:50