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Machine Learning by Tutorials v2.4.0 본문
이번 방학에는 인공지능과 iOS 에 관련하여 공부를 하고, 그 과정을 중간중간 블로그에 기록하려 합니다.
iOS 개발과 인공지능에 대한 본격적인 공부가 처음인 점을 고려하여 너무 어렵지 않게 글을 작성하겠습니다.
지금부터 같이 공부 화이팅 해봐요!!
저는 교재 2.4.0 버전을 사용합니다.
* 사용하는 교재 :
Machine Learning bu Tutorials
second edition
Bdginning Machine Learning for Apple and iOS
* 목차
책의 목차는 다음과 같습니다.
Section I: Machine Learning with Images ................... 19
Chapter 1: Machine Learning, iOS & You .......................... 21
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Image Classification . 52
Chapter 3: Training the Image Classifier ........................... 92
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Python & Turi Create........................................................................................... 122
Chapter 5: Digging Deeper into Turi Create................. 166
Chapter 6: Taking Control of Training with Keras....... 200
Chapter 7: Going Convolutional ........................................ 242
Chapter 8: Advanced Convolutional Neural Networks..................................................................................... 270
Chapter 9: Beyond Classification ...................................... 309 Chapter 10: YOLO & Semantic Segmentation ............. 342
Section II: Machine Learning with Sequences ........ 376
Chapter 11: Data Collection for Sequence Classification.............................................................................. 377
Chapter 12: Training a Model for Sequence Classification.............................................................................. 406
Chapter 13: Sequence Classification ............................... 430
Section III: Natural Language Processing ................ 451
Chapter 14: Natural Language Classification............... 452
Chapter 15: Natural Language Transformation, Part1 ...................................................................................................... 494
Chapter 16: Natural Language Transformation, Part2 ...................................................................................................... 545
Conclusion .............................................................................................. 578 Photo Credits......................................................................................... 579
저는 digital edition을 구매해서 교재의 source code 가 들어있어요.
이를 활용해서 공부를 진행하려 합니다.
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